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The "Stance" is the position of your feet when throwing darts.
The stable stance make your throw more solid.
The stable stance make your throw more solid.

Contrary to bowling and baseball,
the foot on the same side of your throwing hand steps forward.
the foot on the same side of your throwing hand steps forward.

The player who's throwing must stand behind the throw line.
Be careful not to step over the throw line.
Be careful not to step over the throw line.

This makes it easier to aim and it's the standard recommended stance for beginners.
The player places the front foot at around a 45 degree angle to the throw line. The back foot sustains 10% of the body weight on the toe.
The player places the front foot at around a 45 degree angle to the throw line. The back foot sustains 10% of the body weight on the toe.

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